Thursday, December 16, 2010


The morning we left the hotel I think we were all in shock...

I didn't have enough money left to stay ANYWHERE for a week... My family is not going to help me. Doesn't matter that my daughter and I are fixin to be out on the street. I guess they are showing me tough love or something... and I am wondering where I went wrong to deserve that... to deserve this...

I decided that we should stop back by the apartment.

I really wanted to finish cleaning it up. I want it to be spotless.... just to show them that I am not some kind of lowlife... and also so maybe to avoid some extra charges for cleaning that they are sure to apply... yeah...I'm always hopeful.

We were kind of amazed when we found that the locks hadn't been changed yet. The key turned and the door opened.

We came right in, sat down, and looked at each other...

What now?

I've checked into shelters and the like... there aren't many... and we will have to split up. Dani and I might (and I say "might") be able to get into a woman's shelter. Wally's only choice is "the mission" and it has been full for months, turning men away.

So, we looked at each other...

Then my phone rang. It was Blob-Employ. I have been BANNED from Nature's. I cannot return to work there.

"What???? Why?"

"They said that you went on lunch and never came back, so you cannot return to work there,"

"Uhhhh... I never went to lunch actually. I was told that I was being sent home as I was on my way out to lunch, so I did as I was told and I punched out and I left," I said.

I was told that they'd check into it...

I felt doomed.

I am ohhhh soooo  screwed...

"We"ve got other things to keep you busy," she said. Then she lined me up for a 14 hour catering job in Seattle.

Although the job was good, and I wasn't fired or anything,  it did not put my mind at ease....

No more Nature's????

That cuts my chances of getting work.

So we were sitting in a pretty much empty apartment... still have the couch, the desk, and a couple of chairs...
and that's it....

I have one big day of work coming up but that"s it....

Talk about your heart sinking.... Mine was totally sunk and drowning.

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