Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just For A Start

Yes, it's been a crazy week. This tale is long so it will have to be continued... so here's the first part.

I worked the night at Twilight, hauled butt from there to go do 12 hour day- shift at the cereal plant. ( I was seriously hoping to be sent home, because I wasn't feeling well... They do that if they have too many temps or if the lines go down) No such luck, the plant was running like crazy and I knew I'd be spending the whole day there... which I did... I don't ever wanna see another raisin in my life. 

I got home from there at 8pm and had to go in to work at 2am at Twilight... time to be a baker... I didn't fry donuts today. I did set-up for tomorrow and the second bake... (actually I did the first bake too, which I usually do along with frying the donuts) The gal that was doing the donuts today would not have been able to do both. 
(I probably made her look pretty good.. haha! heh urg...)

I got my daily chewing out... (for something that I did ONCE within this past year but others do all the time, I left early yesterday, had to in order to get to the plant in time...) 

Somebody also tattled on me that I got a second job... So NOW of course there in an "issue" about my availability. 

What the freeking funk? I was getting full-time regular hours with two regular days off per week... It was working great for a while. I finally got back on my feet...then I finally was able to get a car again... I have FULL AVAILABILITY now! What do they do?

My hours were instantly cut in half and switched like crazy. 

How would YOU like to experience daylight savings time EVERY week? (on a shift that starts at 10pm, 12am, 1am, 2am... it flipped from 10 to 12 to 1 to 12 to 2 back to 1 flip flop flip flop, for no reason... good luck to ya, it just about wrecked me) 

I got home, ate some sleepy food and totally crashed. Seriously, I'm really tired and hurting... Every muscle hurts... muscles that I never knew I HAD hurt... I got some sleep. 

Then I got up to go to my interview today. 

The place is kind of different... they are looking for a high production commercial baker.

I can do that. 

They're looking for someone that can make French baguettes perfectly. I can do that.

They're looking for someone to bake pita's, favash, and other flatbreads, I think I can do that. 

They are looking for a manager to help build their company by producing in mass volume.. Yeah, I can do that. 

They are looking for someone that knows how to use commercial equipment and train others. (Have I ever told you that I can take a European front-end sheeter apart and put it back together again?)  I can do that.

I know about the equipment... 

For once I wrote a kick butt resume that actually got me a call back...

So I went down there, walked into the shop and asked for the lady that I had the interview with. 

The clerk was a really perky young gal. "Oh, she's not here," she said...

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